30 July 2007

Dinner for SMART's Trainees

That’s amazing and happy time for SMART trainees to have a dinner last night at Kelana Seafood Centre, Cheras Branch. Everybody knows that SMART Project already finish and our as SMART trainees will be transfer to HQ as well as to explore new project anew. So, for now as we know our friend Keng Meng will be transfer early than others which August, 1 2007 is the date…. So sad, so sorrowful… Last night is the end for us to get together as SMART trainees for this long as over 2 and a half years in sweet memories and difficult situation

Okay, come to our report….

We meet at the restaurants at 8.45 as Nurul, Hakim, and Siti was late as their house far from Cheras. Chinese friends already wait until so hungry and made a decision to get the food first on the table…. Ha ha….

We’d choose steamboat as our meal for the dinner. That’s very enjoy because got a lots of seafood like a big prawn, crab, cuttlefish, squid, and all kinds of marine mollusk… We also have many choices of vegetables such like Kang kong especially, Sawi and many more but what we found that SMART Trainees like to eat Kang kong… There also have many kinds of fishball with lots of appearance and shape… got round, triangle and numerous tastes…

We’d taken almost 2 hours to stay at or table to finish all the food as we was started our dinner on 8.45 pm and we was finished it on 10.30pm. Whoaa…. Really satisfied and felt really jovial on that night.

Have some photos that sharing to all as to keep as a recollection for all SMART trainees forever in mind…

Even that was a last time and last night for us, we hope we still each other and keep in touch forever in life…. Don’t miss even 1 time, 1 second, and 1 minute that ever together for a long this time

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

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