30 July 2007

Photo of Dinner for SMART's Trainee

* Keng Meng & Siti *

* wah... delicious food... *

* Sim & Keng Meng *

* Siti & Nurul ... so tamak makan....*

* Keng Meng, Siti & Nurul ...acting cute....vomit *

* SMART's Trainees .... in memories *

* Sim, Nurul, Keng Meng & Siti *

* Siti, Nurul & Hakim .... Nurul act as flower *

* All peoples .....*

* Group Photo..... a bit formal... *

* Group Photo.... siao ady.... with funny pose *

* B4 going back...... Nurul & Chua *

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

Dinner for SMART's Trainees

That’s amazing and happy time for SMART trainees to have a dinner last night at Kelana Seafood Centre, Cheras Branch. Everybody knows that SMART Project already finish and our as SMART trainees will be transfer to HQ as well as to explore new project anew. So, for now as we know our friend Keng Meng will be transfer early than others which August, 1 2007 is the date…. So sad, so sorrowful… Last night is the end for us to get together as SMART trainees for this long as over 2 and a half years in sweet memories and difficult situation

Okay, come to our report….

We meet at the restaurants at 8.45 as Nurul, Hakim, and Siti was late as their house far from Cheras. Chinese friends already wait until so hungry and made a decision to get the food first on the table…. Ha ha….

We’d choose steamboat as our meal for the dinner. That’s very enjoy because got a lots of seafood like a big prawn, crab, cuttlefish, squid, and all kinds of marine mollusk… We also have many choices of vegetables such like Kang kong especially, Sawi and many more but what we found that SMART Trainees like to eat Kang kong… There also have many kinds of fishball with lots of appearance and shape… got round, triangle and numerous tastes…

We’d taken almost 2 hours to stay at or table to finish all the food as we was started our dinner on 8.45 pm and we was finished it on 10.30pm. Whoaa…. Really satisfied and felt really jovial on that night.

Have some photos that sharing to all as to keep as a recollection for all SMART trainees forever in mind…

Even that was a last time and last night for us, we hope we still each other and keep in touch forever in life…. Don’t miss even 1 time, 1 second, and 1 minute that ever together for a long this time

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

25 July 2007

Time Table for This Week - 28 & 29 July 2007

Dear all,

This week will be class of Measurement II (Ukur Binaan II). Please bring along your measurement stuff that you think need to use it.

Date : 28 & 29 / 07 / 07
Time : 2.00pm & 8.30am
Venue : ST01C
Lecturer : Ms. Huda and maybe joint with Pn. Zubaidah

Take care and good luck....!!!

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim *************

19 July 2007

Time Table for This Week - 21 & 22 July 2007

Dear all,

This week will be the subject of Building Services (Kemudahan Bangunan) - DDQ 2233.
This subject will teach by En. Yusmady.

As the info gave from him, he said that class on Satuday will be start at 2.30pm & Sunday class will start at 9.00am.

Saturday - 2.30pm
Sunday - 9.00am

Thanks and Good Luck.

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

13 July 2007

New Monitor for Semester 1 - 2007/2008

Dear all,

We are proudly to announced that, our new semester monitor as below :-

Chua Chin Yeong - SMART Project
Valerie Chin - Gamuda HQ

Hope to get fully cooperate from all of you and also guidance from all the seniors.


*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

11 July 2007

Present for Nurul Hakim

Yesterday was our friend's birthday. So, me n Nurul went to bought his present during lunch hour by today. We bought a branded polo t-shirt for him. Nicole (NiC) brand. Haha.... So, just share some picture for all of you.

* Brand = Nicole

* shirt that b4 give to Hakim

* blek... vomit lah his pose....

End of report....

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

10 July 2007

Happy Birthday, Nurul Hakim

Today is our friend - Nurul Hakim 's birthday. His already turn to 22 years old ady.... he started old already.... wahahaha... anyway.....good luck to him and happy birthday to him.

09 July 2007

Minutes of TQS Meeting

Date : 6 June 2007 (Wednesday)
Time : 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Venue : Ruby Room, Gamuda Learning Centre

1) Get to know all the trainee QS better.
2) To acknowledge the high achievers in studies by presenting gift as a reward.
3) Highlight to trainees the new grading system of UTM.
4) To brief trainees on the Behavioral Report by UTM.

General Findings
1) Majority of the trainees are doing well in their studies and have study groups occasionally. However, majority of them prefer to study alone.

2) Trainees from SMART seem to have better relationship among themselves. They were more talkative and willing to open up. Nurul Maya said they love each other and they are like a family.

3) Nurul Hakim said he is proud to work with Gamuda and grateful to be able to join this TQS programme. He said that he enjoys working in SMART and colleagues are very helpful and friendly.

4) Valerie took the opportunity to express herself that she didn’t mean to offend anybody when she was making jokes. She is just being straightforward and apologize to those who were offended.

5) All of them reported doing fine at work but some said the work they are doing are not related to their studies. Relationship with their current superior is good.

6) There are no issues regarding lecturers and studies. They are satisfied with the lecturers so far. Most of the subjects were interesting but not for TITAS and Perkembangan Kendiri.

7) Trainees from HQ claimed that it’s still too tiring for them to work on Saturdays when they have classes. Nadzri would see if he could speak with the superiors to request the trainees at HQ to return to work only if absolutely necessary so that they need not rush for classes and therefore feel tired. Saturday is an off day (unofficially) for trainees at SMART, so they have no problems of getting exhausted.

8) New monitors will be nominated for the next semester, names of the monitors are to be submitted to Monica.

9) Nadzri, one of the trainees from the pioneer batch will be their new “big brother”, overseeing trainee QS matters in general. He understands the difficulties of working and pursuing studies at the same time. He shared his experience with all the trainee QS about the importance of balancing work and study.

10) The trainees are aware of the new grading system where it is easier to score A but harder to pass. They were reminded to be more serious in their studies.

11) Nurul shared her learning methods, which includes paying attention in class, doing well in all assignments to score high marks and doing revisions before final examinations.

12) The Behavioral Report by UTM showed positive feedback. Puan Zubaidah highlighted a few trainees for their excellent performance. Most of the trainees had maintained their performance and showed enthusiasm and initiative in their studies.

13) Rewards were given to Chuah Sang Cheng, Ong Kok Keong, Nurul Maya and Lee Tiong Hoo who were the top achievers in Semester 2 2006/2007; Nurul Maya, Valerie Chin Suk Yee and Neoh Heng Keat were in the list for overall most improved from the beginning to the current semester.

14) Monica reminded them to pay attention in the class and don’t play with their hand phones.

*************** B2u by Loke Keen Sun ***************
*************** Copyrighted by Calvin Sim **************

Lecturer for Semester 1 - 2007/2008

Dear all,

Just received news from Pn. Zubaidah at UTM as I been there just now. So, she told me that who will be our lecturer for following subjects :-

Measurement 2 - Ms. Nurhuda Wahid
Building Services - En. Yusmady
Law - part time lecturer (out sider)

End of report.

*********** B2u by Calvin Sim ************

Academic Calender for 2007/2008

Dear all,

Below is the Academic Calender for 2007/2008.

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************


Finally, all have done. For almost 3 months study, test, presentation & also final exam, all have been passed.... Should be happy and temporary enjoy you short holiday - duration 1 week.... haha. Please take care of yourself especially health problem and also the haze occur again for now. So, take care about it.

Drink more water and do more exercise.

Class will be start on 21st July 2007 onwards.

*************** B2u by Calvin Sim ***************

07 July 2007

Happy & Unhappy

Finish the 1st subject exam that is our English subject. This is the happy thing that can consider as. In the exam time, we have 1 friend din't join us because she meet an accident at Jalan Tun Razak. Her car get bang by WAJA and another WAJA get bang by another 4 wheel. Sounds like a necklace that big fish eating small fish. haha.... This is the unhappy thing that consider as. After the exam, we go HUKM to visit Nurul. So, shes nothing. Just the hand pain and cant hold any object. So pity her. Anyway..... we wish her have a nice day and recover as soon as possible. Nurul, azaza figthing... u will recover very soon......

For Hakim & Siti, wish both of you Good Luck in your TITAS 2 exam.

For all, wish you all Good Luck also in your coming(Tomorrow - Sunday) Kendiri & TITAS 1 exam.

Have a nice day.

Good Luck~~!!

02 July 2007

Venue of Final Exam for Semester 3 - 2006/2007

Dear all,

The venue table have been released, please see at below :-

English - S 101
TITAS 2 - S 307

Kendiri - S 307
TITAS 1 - R 401

Ins Islam - R 401